Google Looks CSS and JavaScripts than Ranks Sites

Google looks CSS and JavaScripts This year Google has updated its search engine in technical terms and the indexer  processes web pages almost like a normal modern browser, which included JavaScript and CSS. Tonight Google has updated its recommendations for webmasters with the new said functions.

Now for optimal indexing and processing of pages, Google recommendations do not hide used online external image files, JavaScript and CSS in robots.txt. Webmaster must give to Googlebot full access to them. The closure of these files can lead to incorrect recognition pages and affect the rankings. This must be considered for correct SEO in Dubai.

Historically, Google indexing system was constructed by analogy with a text browser such as Lynx, so it was important for only the availability and accessibility of the text on the page. But now the system works similarly to other browsers, so you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Like all modern browsers, search robot may not support some of the technology used on the pages. It is necessary to ensure that the design of the site follows the principles of progressive enhancement, this will help google to see useful content and basic functionality, when some of the design features are not yet supported.
  • Fast loading pages like not only for users, but also allows for more effective indexing of  documents to search engine. Google recommends deleting unnecessary requests / loads and optimize CSS and JavaScript files.
  • Verify that the server normally accept an additional load of stored scripts and styles by Googlebot.

In the panel for webmasters (tool "View as Googlebot"), you can see how the search engine handles certain page, where you can find some of the features of indexing, for example, closed in robots.txt files, redirects (which Googlebot does not go), and other.

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